Sunday, December 9, 2018

Our first NW3 trial

What a great location at a manufacturing business. Yeah, we had frieght trains going by all day. That was an inconvience. but since it is hard to find trial location, it was something I will put up with.

My mindset, what did we learn today?

We did interiors first, first room, 1 hide, nailed it. Second room no hides. Divine did a beautiful stop and stare at me to say, there is nothing here mom.

Third room, got the first hide in the first cibicle. Went to the second cubicle and she alerted the ssme spot she alerted to the first cubicle. I disbelieved it and tried to pull her away and push her deeper onto the cubocle, but she went back to that same spot and :( Judge daid on dcore sheet, I sold that area. I wish we had video taping so I could review what we did.

I believed she alerted because she caught idor. She is notorious in alerting 18 inches to 2 feet away. I think she thinks she has odor. but needs to source it better.

The good thing is the search she false sletted, we quit. I think that sent a message to Divine.

Containers were in a Y configuration. We got our first odor, then for some reason Divine kept hitting on other boxes, I didnt trust her. Hit on 3 in a row. Went back, called Judge said I was selling it. Maybe the second time around but why did she alert the first time? Ending and leaving the search area I think Divine learned.

Two search elements in a row is hard to take to get a no. I do feel she was overly false aletting.

I did try to push her snd go too fast. We will have to reanalyze this.

Next, exterior. There were only sbout 5 objects to check. She got two, I cslled finished. Yep! we got this one correct.

Last Vehicles. Three vehicles, went through, found 2. Said finished. We got thst one.

Out of 6 searches, we got 4.

Where I have improved,
my mental management was good. I was in the now. I remember what I did. I could snalyze and think.

Divine has been on a break about a year. We only got back into things two months ago.

I was not upset we didnt title. I use to get upset when I didnt title, but I am so over that waste of energy. I can analyze better when I am not updet. I can put to motion what needs to be done better. I was proud my mind management glowed yoday. It comes together and was a great journey.

However. I did start to get tired.