Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Divine

        Today is Divine's birthday. She turned 3 years old. She still looks like a little puppy that when I take her into the stores or other public places, they think I'm raising her as she still looks like a future service dog. She's cute, adorable and has that soft look. Even though Divine is still fairly young, she is quiet. Not like a rowdy young dog at all. When it is time to work, she is serious and focused on her tasks. Although sometimes we have little disagreements in which direction we are headed. Is it my turn to go to the ladies room or is it Divine's turn to go o outside to potty?

         Next month I have had Divine for one year. What a year. Getting a new house and adding a new dog. Who would think this would be so overwhelming for me? Will I ever levelize that I can feel like I got a hold on things? Maybe one day, but the company of Divine is soothing. She's soft and mellow. The contrast to Mickey who is ready to go and on the move. I have one extreme to the other. When I need calm, there is Divine, when I need emotions, I have Mickey.

         I can see Divine becoming even more attached to me as time goes by and our bond is still getting stronger. I'm learning how to balance between two dogs, still a challenge but I'm learning. Oh sweet Divine. I"m blessed to have you. Happy Birthday little girl.

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